You know, I think I'm alright. I'll get nervous when I have to walk down to the gate tomorrow. Robbie looks up and smerks, and says, "Yeah if the sight of the airport doesn't do it first."
Today has been such a great day. I could've most certainly lived without all the vomiting, but I'm okay. I think it was partly nerves and reality and some of the meds I've been taking mixed all together to make me sick. Ha. But I do have good news in that I'm not feeling at all bad right now.
I've just got done putting the final touches on packing. All that's left are things that I'll need in the morning. You know like my contacts, solution, toothbrush, and straightener. Ha. I'm completely at peace. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad to be leaving, but excited to go all at once.
My last night in the country was probably the best it could ever have been, and even if it could've been better I'll keep it just how it was. No regrets in this. None at all. I got to hug and cry with all the people I love tonight at church, and I was so dearly encouraged by my student ministry and my family being able to pray and worship with me. It was so neat to step out and see them family too.
I got to surprise my brother with dinner tonight, and I promise you the content look on his face at the end of the night was worth every minute of eating Mexican. We went to El Chico which is Chad's favorite place in the world to eat, and he had no clue. My best friend Robbie came with us, and dad blessed him too with a meal that he didn't have to pay for. I think it shocked Robbie, but that's okay.
We went back and he helped me get somethings taken care of with my computer, and he fixed my beloved pink Ipod. I'm forever greatful to each and everyone of you who were and are still apart of this adventure. To the people that I've not met yet, I'm excited to see you. To my family in Germany, I can't wait to finally be in your home. To my family here, I'll miss you with everything in me. To my friends, I'll miss you and miss you and miss you. To the ones that will befriend me, I'm excited for what's to come.
I'll be seeing you, and remember you're never alone. :)
if you could see clearly in that picture thats me in the back corner balling bc im gonna be missing you .. love ya