Swimming pools and longggggggg movies...with people the people I love. The people who've been there through all the years before I was ever one in a million, but are the ones who told me I was even if NO ONE else saw. True blessings in the midst of uncertainty.
I was listening to a beautiful song that a WONDERFUL friend made for me, and this kind of special person in my life. It's cd title is "GERMANY." Fitting, huh? But the song was "Vulnerable" by Secondhand Serenade. There's this line that I've been chewing on, and it says...
"Tell me. What makes you think that you're so invincible?" It's perfect for the here and now, or at least some people would say so.
Invincible: Incapable of being overcome; unconquerable.
I think that yes love is a scarey thing, but in the midst of thinking this I think that becoming less invincible is all part of becoming real with another person. I'm terrified that you're wrong, and I'm right...or that you're right, and I'm done for. Haha. Either way, I guess what I'm saying is I think I'm invincible because every other time it's been people that were never friends first. And because I'm Michelle Engelke of course. That's a great reason.
I realized that Lauren is correct again. She made the statement to me or all of us or something that we as women think there is this certain timeline that we're suppose to live, and that if our lives don't go in that timeline it's not glorifying to our God. Not true. I'm learning that, and continuously being put in my place. I'm the "ap" kid. I'm technically holding myself back. I'll leave it there.
Before I even forget, I want to praise my God for the fact that I've got people here in America that support me. I've got people in Germany that support me, and I've got the God of HEAVEN that supports me. He's never going to leave me, or forsake me. I'm honored. My God is showing and challenging me with my best friend. THAT'S CRAZYYYYYYYYYY!
I can't skype all the time!
I just want to skype with you like once, Michelle!
...like your birthday?
1. Kick a rock, Ja!
2. Lieb dich, Mein Swartz. :)
3. I love you unicorns and bunnies, Taybabe!! :D
4. I love you oodles and boodles. :)
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