Now that hurts! ...Not speaking from experience or anything. Oh, alright, you know that I am a strange child, and this was from experience. Haha.
So I didn't think that it was at all possible to love someone before you met them, and it's a very real thing. When I met Tine for the first time at the Bonnhoff I threw my arms around her, just as she did to me. I was the coolest thing, and she asked me how I was and just grabbed my hand and took me under her wing. Every time that I tried to answer in English the first day I was here or any day after I heard her say, "nur Deutsch." Which translates to "only German."
I was a little bit overwhelmed with only German all the time, but I can't begin to tell you the beauty of this sentence. I had "Beautiful you" by Jonny Diaz in my head this same day, and I was singing as always do, and she said "Ein schönes Lied" or a pretty song. As the week went on she just became more and more beautiful to me.
She held me hand as we went into a school that I did not know, and made sure to reassure me that I looked good and schick. She helped me set up my German facebook, and we sat in front of a computer listening to music for a while. When we went to get my schedule made she basically told the teacher in charge that it was a total doof for me to take any language other than German. So the only language course I have is indeed German.
When people asked me if I could speak German she reassured them and me that I could ,,Gut Deutsch sprachen und verstanden." My heart has been so blessed because of this young lady who truely is a beautiful young lady. She will always been my BEAUTIFUL little sister, and I will always be impacted by her life.
So anyway, with that said, I felt that she needed to hear that song by Mr. Diaz, but we have had a lot of company which I completely understand. So I waited until right before I started writing this entry, and took my computer to her room and said come, you need to hear this Lied. So we sat down, and Maike came in just in time to hear it too. She said she could somewhat understand the song.
And we both started crying when it said, ,,There could NEVER be a MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU!" We made eye contact and all three of us started crying. Then we sat on Tines couch and just cried. The three sisters all holding eachother, hand in hand, with Jonny Diaz singing over us there could never be a more beautiful you.
I really dont think my purpose here is to impact as much as it is to be impacted. I know I am suppose to shine my light, but I have never known a love like that of a sister this close to my age, or two who are younger than me. They teach me daily in not only German, but in doing things for each other or in making me feel like part of the family.
Opa is included in the previous statement. He just looked over at me and asked me to go with him and Juli, our dog, for a walk. He took me and just talked to me, and explain what things were and it was just a beautiful as with Tine. And everytime we are all together for coffee which is almost everyday, he tells the girls to slow down.
God has blessed my heart with these people, and I pray that we do become family over the next year. Where they my like and dislikes as well as I know theirs. I don not think I have words in German yet or English anymore for the way I feel.
Psalm 139:13-14
I can tell you that I am seeing the love of God through these people by them just letting me stay with them, and going out of their way to make sure my eightteenth birthday is beautiful. They told me I could invite people over or out, and we would go as a family. They buy me the things that they know that I enjoying drinking or eating. It is beautiful.
To Tine:
God created your inmost being,
He knitted you together in your moms womb,
Praise the Lord because you were FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made.
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